Monday, December 26, 2011

New Short Story: ABSENTIS

I released my short story Absentis on smashword. It's the first completed for my challenge to write 20 short stories in a year time.

As promised, I've made it available for free to followers of my website, blog, and twitter for a period of 7 days.

With this coupon code you can get a copy:

Promotional price: $0.00
Coupon Code: CQ23A
Expires: January 1, 201

I would appreciate it if you left a review on Smashwords, Amazon, or your own blog.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Book Review: Vs. Reality by Blake Northcott

About the Author:

Blake Northcott is a young woman, with a variety of interest, a few are comic books and writing. You can get all the details about her from her website.

A while ago she gifted her e-book Vs. Reality and I managed to get a copy. The least I could do in return was write a small review, I wanted to write a longer one but I felt I would give away too much about the story and that would be a shame.

My review:

The story is action packed, well written, and sure it does have its cliches but no one can write a 100% original work. All sentences in existence(excluding the real wacky ones) are already once written.

The story is the equivalent of an action movie, you can't take it too seriously, it is supposed to be a fun drive and pure entertainment and for this it works. It's ideal for a quick read and fun time. Taking it for what it is it's great.

I got one gripe and it is with the formatting of the e-book; both paragraph indents and paragraph spacing is used. It took getting used to while reading which distracted me from the story.